Key Accounting Principles Volume 1, 4th Edition - Textbook - page IV

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Textbook ISBN: 978-1-926751-27-6
Workbook ISBN: 978-1-926751-28-3
Key Accounting Principles, Volume 1, Fourth Edition
Author: Neville Joffe
Publisher: AME Learning Inc.
Content Contributors and Developmental Editors:
Kobboon Chotruangprasert/Graeme Gomes/Kyle Kroetsch
Production Editors: Joshua Peters/Melody Yousefian
Copy Editor: Nicola Balfour
Indexer: Elizabeth Walker
Typesetter: Paragon Prepress Inc.
Vice President and Publishing Manager: Linda Zhang
Cover Design: Sasha Moroz/Bram Wigzell
Online Course Design & Production: AME Multimedia Team
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This book is written to provide accurate information on the covered topics.
It is not meant to take the place of professional advice.
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