Key Accounting Principles Volume 1, 4th Edition - Textbook - page V

About the Author
Neville Joffe created the AME Learning System after spending
more than 25 years leading and transforming teams in the
manufacturing and distribution industries. His innovative
style of management is characterized by a unique philosophy:
bottom-line business success is dependent on the financial
literacy of an organization’s employees.
The truth of this philosophy first revealed itself when he helped
to transition his 400 person company to sustainable profitability
after a period of loss and decline. For the company and its
employees, this newly acquired business acumen had opened a
world of opportunity and prosperity.
This experience highlighted the importance of a financially literate employee base. From here,
Neville sold his stake in the company and focused on fully developing and patenting the AME
Accounting Map™ – a learning framework that borrowed from the ideas of Game Theory to
create a multisensory toolkit for true learning, interaction and engagement. Neville took his system
around the world, training internationally with corporate clients, government institutions and
non-profit organizations.
After years of successfully training clients around the world, Neville set his eyes on the sector
responsible for producing the employees that inevitably ended up in his training sessions: Education.
Understanding that our colleges and universities were the front lines of training for the corporate
world, Neville adapted his system to suit the needs of higher learning institutions. Since then, he
has worked with practicing accounting professionals and educators to develop seven textbooks that
accompany the AME Learning System for use in higher education institutions around the globe.
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