Key Accounting Principles Volume 1, 4th Edition - Textbook - page 306

Chapter 10
Cash Controls
Add to Ledger Balance*
Add to Bank Balance
• Interest earned
• Direct deposit from customer
• Receipts through EFT
• Bookkeeper error
• Outstanding deposits
• Bank error
Subtract from Ledger Balance*
Subtract from Bank Balance
• Loan interest charges
• Repayment of bank loan
• Bank service charges
• Payments through EFT
• NSF cheques
• Bookkeeper error
• Outstanding cheques
• Bank error
*Must also create a journal entry to update the ledger balance.
Figure 10.23
To illustrate, we will complete a bank reconciliation with journal entries for HR Clothing for the
month of October 2016. Before comparing the new items, it is always important to consider the
outstanding items from the last period. We need to ensure these items have been cleared. The
completed bank reconciliation from September is shown in Figure 10.24. There are three items
in the bank column that are outstanding as of September 20, 2016: the deposit for $2,200 and
cheques #57 and #59. It is likely that these will clear the bank in October and must be compared
to the October bank statement. If they appear on the bank statement, we will check the items on
the September bank reconciliation and the October bank statement.
HR Clothing
Bank Reconciliation
September 30, 2016
Balance as per records
Add: Outstanding Deposit
Less: Outstanding Cheques
Cheque #57
Cheque #59
Add: EFT Deposit
Less: EFT Rent
Service Charge
Reconciled Balance
$6, 300
Figure 10.24
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